Dr. Sandra Lee Videos Part 18

A pimple that appears on the pecker looks like the big brother of the variety on one’s face.  Typically a little larger in size, the pimple may appear as a reddish lump or a bump with a white head on it.  A male organ pimple may have a slight discharge if it is popped, but just like the variety that shows up on the face, they should not purposely be popped or picked at.  Picking at a pimple—wherever it shows up on the body—can push bacteria and other germs into the sore, causing it to become infected and lengthening the healing time.  The best course of action is to gently wash it with soap and water and apply a warm compress to speed circulation to the area if it is painful.  A pimple on the male organ is likely caused by a plugged pore, or it can develop around an ingrown hair.